hello 👋, I’m christopher miles a multidisciplinary engineer / designer that loves exploring digital, physical, xr, ai, and emerging tech.
want to build something amazing together? .

  • MrBeast,
     influencer unboxing experience  /  creative & tech direction, mockups, r&d
  • Jägermeister,
     modern high striker game  /  creative tech, game dev (c++), fabrication, install/strike
  • vSpace  /  concept, platform design (ux/ui/spatial), 3d worlds, glsl/shaders, systems architecture, full-stack dev
  • PMI,
     reactive ai light sculpture  /  concept, creative & tech direction, sculpture design, kiosk ux/ui, full-stack dev
  • Uber Eats × Dr. Seuss,
     gingerbread house ar experience  /  ar dev (web/js), balancing minigame dev
  • Google,
     multi-browser game  /  concept, design (ux/ui/game), game dev (css/js), animation libs, illustrations, bts/process presentation @ Google NYC
  • Schick,
     shaving game on a touchscreen display  /  concept, razor adapter, game dev (c++)
  • Samsung,
     vr training minigame  /  tech direction, game r&d, shaders, optimizations, qa, project management
  • AMEX × US Open,
     interactive floor game  /  game dev (c++), rendering/animation lib
  • Samsung,
     selfie photobooth w/ irl filters  /  concept, ux/ui, creative tech/full-stack dev, install
  • Verizon,
     face-tracked immersive 3D website  /  concept, r&d, creative tech/3d dev
  • Shell,
     stationary ar installation  /  tech lead, full-stack dev
  • Nokia Bell Labs,
     network configuration + dataviz system  /  full-stack dev (web/js)


  • Chris is a rare find. Exceptionally talented, solid communicator, and a people person to the fullest extent. He is one of those rare individuals that thrives to not only succeed in what he does but does it with a contagious passion that motivates others to get excited too.[...] I highly recommend Chris as a 'must-have' technical creative swiss-army knife to any forward-thinking company looking to break new ground.

    Nathan Currier

    CEO, Temasys & SynapC
